• Is FlaviBot safe?

    Yes, FlaviBot is safe. We use the latest security measures to protect your data.

  • How can I contact support?

    You can contact support by joining our Discord server. https://discord.gg/flavibot

  • What are the supported music platforms?

    FlaviBot supports Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, SoundCloud, Deezer, direct links, Radio and more.

  • How can I invite FlaviBot to my server?

    You can invite FlaviBot to your server by using this link: https://flavibot.xyz/invite

  • What are the available commands?

    You can view the available commands here: https://flavibot.xyz/commands or by typing `/help` in Discord.

  • Is FlaviBot free?

    Yes, FlaviBot is free to use. We also offer a premium plan with additional features.

  • Can FlaviBot play music from YouTube?

    No, FlaviBot does not support YouTube. We recommend using Spotify, Apple Music, or other supported platforms.