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Here you can find all flavibot commands
Get links of the FlaviBot's dashboard
See enabled experiments
Show all flavibot's commands
Get the bot invite link
Get links related to FlaviBot
See the bot's ping
See the bot's stats
Get the invitation from the support server
Clear messages from a channel
View bot configuration
Change bot language on this server
Add a role to every members
Change the prefix of the bot
Shows informations about FlaviBot premium.
Create a ticket for an user
Toggles the 8d audio filter on/off
Toggles the bassboost audio filter on/off
Clear all Filters
Toggles the demon audio filter on/off
Toggles the karaoke audio filter on/off
Toggles the nightcore audio filter on/off
Change the pitch of the song
Change the speed of the song
Toggles the vaporwave audio filter on/off
Toggles the vibrato audio filter on/off
Toggle auto play mode (Play recommended music)
Return some debug information about the music player. (useful for support)
Fast forwards the player by your specified amount; The default is 10 seconds
Send the current music information to your dm.
Makes the bot join your voice channel
Jump to the specified track
Remove song added by members who left the voice channel
Toggle loop song
Get song lyrics from the current playing music.
Get link of the online music panel
Show which music is currently playing in the voice channel with a beautiful image.
Pause music
Play a song from a file
Play a song in a voice channel from a link or a search query.
Play the previous music in the queue.
Shows the queue
Remove duplicated track in the queue
Resume the player if it is paused.
Rewind the player by your specified amount; The default is 10 seconds
Search a song
Skips to the specified timestamp in the currently playing track format: HH:MM:SS
Shuffles the queue
Skip current song and start the next one
Text to speach in vocal
Change bot's audio volume
Toggle 24/7 mode for the bot. If enabled, the bot will stay in the voice channel forever.
Set the channel where the music is announced
Toggles announce queue end when the queue is empty.
Toggles announce song
Toggle auto shuffle
Toggles buttons on now playing messages
Setup controller
Enable or disable the default loop queue
Enable or disable the default auto play
Set the default playlist
Set the default song when the player is created.
Set the defauft volume when the player is created.
Toggles dj mode
Set DJ role
Set DJ commands
Restrict the bot to only join specific voice channels.
Toggle web player
Add current queue tracks to your playlist
Add songs to your playlist
Create a flavibot playlist
Delete a flavibot playlist
List your flavibot playlists
Play your flavibot's playlist
Remove a song in your flavibot playlist
Shuffle your playlist
See your spotify playlist
View your flavibot playlist
Change the visibility of a playlist
Show if you have voted or not.
Clear the queue.
Delete queue and disconnect the bot from voice channel
Manage audio filters
Change the voice region of the voice channel to fix the connection issue.
Move song in the queue
Music guesser
See the music logs.
Radios system of flavibot
Remove a song from the queue
Spotify integration
Stop the current music and clear the queue.
Get a random animal image
Get user avatar
View leveling leaderboard
Shows users profil.
View your ranking
Send a message via the bot.
Send a message via the bot.
Shows guild's informations
Game snake
Show user's informations